The LaSt niGht of thE WoRld

A big flow of time involved us

but, it is an illusion

We have been there

Evidence is time which doesn't itself stop and which we can't

I am merely madly in love with time to laugh

and, I thought that that time with you is my dearest

above all times

Sometimes we make an awkward moment

or, we were without so much as  speaking each other for weeks

though we can't know what happened

If I miss a glance

I thought I could see something we lost but it was ignoring my feelings

so, I did see only a front because of my fear

If I turned to the side,

I might have lived for my dearest so far better ?

You can ?

Why everything we lost is very attractive?

It is not until we lost it that we could be aware of it

Many thank you, so long

I say good-bye to your smile

I hope that I can please remember

many tears and happiness

signals the end of our world again with deep breathing

Tale and photo by Kaya.K